[mdlug] Password of DEATH

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Tue Jun 5 09:04:57 EDT 2012

> From: Mat Enders

> Standard forensic procedure dictates that you create an image of the
> and work from that image. This is done to preserve any evidence in
> original state so it can be used in court.

Exactly. So you definitely want encryption (with a *good* password). To
protect your data from "rubber-hose cryptanalysis" (beating the key out
of someone), you want 'deniable encryption':


I don't know of a mature open-source implementation at a filesystem
level, however. Given an encrypted partition, though, you could put
deniable data *in* it.

If you have a few moments warning before the jackbooted thugs bust in,
though, you could look into "Darik's Boot And Nuke":


 Ray Ingles                                                      (313)

 "I just noticed CVS has started stocking homeopathic pills on the same
  with - and labeled similarly to - their actual medicine. Telling
someone who
 trusts you that you're giving them medicine, when you know you're not,
 you want their money, isn't just lying - it's like an example you'd
make up if
     you had to illustrate for a child why lying is wrong." - Randall

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