[mdlug] Future presentations.

Robert Citek robert.citek at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 07:10:25 EST 2012

On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Garry Stahl <tesral at wowway.com> wrote:
>> Yes. Thank you for the presentation.  We'll have to think of more topics like this.
> I can think of one, but I'll be damned if I can think of an adequate
> presenter.  Linux education.  As a newbie slowly crawling out of that
> state I have noted that most help is not very helpful.

Unfortunately the term "Linux education" does not give me a clear
picture in my mind of what you are looking for.  It's like asking
about "automobile education."  Does that mean ...

- automobile driver education - how to drive a car built by someone else
- automobile construction education - how someone else built their car
- automobile maintenance education - how to maintain and fix a car
built by someone else
- automobile engineering education - how to design your own car
- automobile industry education - how cars are manufactured and sold

or any number of other possibilities.  "Linux education" has much the
same in variety and scope.

>From the context of your post it sounds more like you are interested
in the topic "How to educate people: a case study using Linux."  Or
might it be something else?

- Robert

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