[mdlug] Anyone with FreeDOS and Virtualbox Experience?

Michael Mol mikemol at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 17:03:42 EDT 2012

You're running FreeDOS under VirtualBox, right? Make sure VirtualBox
isn't doing something stupid like emulating the CPU in software.

Otherwise...Take a look at dosemu?

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Robert Adkins II <radkins at impelind.com> wrote:
> Eureka!
> It appears that the problem I had was related to Filezilla "guessing" how to
> upload the attendant programs into the FreeDOS Virtual Machine. Instead of
> going Binary, it was uploading in ASCII, which I was unaware of and it
> caused the binaries and all files uploaded to the Fdos VM to become corrupt.
> Now, onto the next issue.
> There's a file processing app in the suite which is, like the rest of the
> suite, 16-bit and will not run in Windows 7. In the old system, it was able
> to run on Windows XP and it worked blazingly fast, in FreeDOS, it works as
> fast as is possible, due to the limitations of DOS, which is to say,
> exceedingly slow, even with the FreeDOS VM set to 100% CPU access.
> Anyone have any pointers on how potentially speed up the data processing
> app? It converts a file format into another file format. It will need to
> work with files upwards of 150 to 250MB, likely larger as time progresses.
> Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Robert
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org
>> [mailto:mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org] On Behalf Of Carl T. Miller
>> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 10:15 AM
>> To: MDLUG's Main discussion list
>> Subject: Re: [mdlug] Anyone with FreeDOS and Virtualbox Experience?
>> Robert Adkins II wrote:
>> > I'm beginning to think that there is something wonky with
>> the memory
>> > configuration. The command mem /free is showing no upper memory is
>> > available.
>> >
>> > Another issue that could be related is that unlike the Windows XP
>> > machine, the Windows 7 system is 64-bit. I believed that
>> the virtual
>> > machine environment might do a better job of hiding that from the
>> > client Virtualized systems, but that may not be the case.
>> Another thing you could check is the compatibility mode
>> settings.  I don't recall the details, but I know that you
>> can select to run programs in other modes, such as XP.  Try
>> right clicking the icon and going into the properties.  If
>> you don't find it, search for "windows 7 compatibility mode".
>> c
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