[mdlug] Moving /usr

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 03:50:35 EDT 2011

Mat Enders wrote:
> All,
>            I recently had to move /usr on a machine.  Since moving /usr
> when i boot the machine I get this message immediately after the bios
> prompts are finished and before the boot process starts "error: file
> not found".  After the machine comes up all appears to work normally.
> I will now explain what i did to move /usr.
>    1) log in as root unmount /home
>    2) resize /home
>    3) create new partition in newly created free space
>    4) edit fstab to mount new partition as /usr2
>    5) reboot
>    6) run rsync -a /usr/ /usr2
>    7) run diff /usr /usr2 to ensure they are the same
>    8) edit fstab to mount new partition as /usr instead of /usr2
>    9) run mv /usr /usr3
> 10) reboot
> 11) get error but all appears to work correctly

What error is that?

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