[mdlug] AT&T 2Wire 3600HGV Uverse Gateway Trouble Hopefully Solved, Was Network Slowdown Troubleshooting/Netgear WNDR3700 Free To Good Home

Peter Bart petertheplumber at att.net
Sun Nov 27 09:48:16 EST 2011

On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 08:33:38 -0500
"Carl T. Miller" <carl at carltm.com> wrote:

> Peter Bart wrote:
> > 	I'm now on my
> > 	second DVD iso download; meeting or exceeding my advertised
> > 	down speed; while writing this up with no hiccups! YMMV
> > HTH!!
> Hey Peter,
> Congratulations!  It turns out I have the same model that
> you have and I have never had these problems.  I did some
> checking on mine and I have a routeable IP address on my
> router and the modem does not do any NAT.  Possibly I'm
> avoiding these issues because of my configuration.
> At an rate, I'm glad that you found a fix and I'm even
> happier that you documented what you did.  Thanks!
> c

	Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, it seems my 2Wire is still doing NAT because my
	wireless routers IP address is 192.168.xx.xx, not in the same
	range as the 2Wire's IP address. I'll power cycle both in a bit
	to see, the 2Wire is supposed to hand out public routed IP
	address's to all new connections. I don't want to right now
	because it's being used.

	I'm happy to document, hopefully helping someone in a similar
	situation. It's also much easier to undo step by step that way.
Best Regards,

Peter The Plumber
<petertheplumber at att.net>

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