[mdlug] Network Slowdown Troubleshooting/Netgear WNDR3700 Free To Good Home

Mat Enders mat.enders at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 21:30:14 EST 2011

Those 2-wire routers go bad I am on my third. 
Mat Enders from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Bart <petertheplumber at att.net>
Sender: mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 21:19:53 
To: <mdlug at mdlug.org>
Reply-To: MDLUG's Main discussion list <mdlug at mdlug.org>
Subject: Re: [mdlug] Network Slowdown Troubleshooting/Netgear WNDR3700 Free
 To Good Home

On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 11:26:06 -0500
Peter Bart <petertheplumber at att.net> wrote:

> Good Morning Everyone,
> 	I have a small home network made up of an AT&T Uverse modem, a
> 	router, and a switch. What I found after much trial and error;
> 	by accident; is that my router would stop downloads after
> about 5-8 minutes and just hang. I found that out trying to get
> 	openSUSE 12.1 downloaded. Up to that point I would get
> 	complaints about youtube videos not being able to be played
> w/o reloading and a general sense something wasn't quite right. My
> 	download went lickety split when I plugged into the ethernet
> 	port on the modem, bypassing the router. What I found was the
> 	the download started and quickly spooled up to 11-12Mbs; my
> 	connection speed; then around 5-8 minutes in sagged to 5-8Mbs
> 	and then back up to 11-12Mbs. About the same time frame my
> 	router would stop the download. Of course when I check my
> 	bandwidth speed it was allways good for those few seconds the
> 	test was running.
	Ok, I thought I had the problem isolated to my new router/AP,
	however after breaking out my spare router/AP I think it's not
	that. The original router is a Netgear WNDR3700 and the spare;
	which exhibits the same slowdown problem is a Linksys WRT54GL.
	Both run DD-WRT firmware. I now think it's the AT&T 2Wire
	3600HGV Uverse Gateway. Both routers are configured to run in
	DMZ Plus mode from the AT&T gateway. Wireless is disabled on
	the AT&T gateway. Both routers are plugged into the AT&T
	gateway, just not at the same time. Both exhibit the same
	slowing down of data transfer. I've been through the menus on
	the 2Wire gateway backwards and forwards, as well as the router
	setups. The 2Wire gateway reports the router MAC address's
	allowed applications/ports/protocols is all and gives it a
	public IP address. As a last resort I power cycled the 2Wire,
	but no luck. What am I missing here?
Best Regards,

Peter The Plumber
<petertheplumber at att.net>
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