[mdlug] Video Security Solutions

Peter Bart petertheplumber at att.net
Fri May 20 18:08:43 EDT 2011

On Fri, 20 May 2011 11:34:30 -0400
Jeff Hanson <jhansonxi at gmail.com> wrote:

> This is Linux-based and works good if you update the firmware:
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16881117002
> There are newer models available.

	Interesting, thanks! What I'm after is more of a complete
	package, and one that's capable of night vision. The one I
	mentioned has a hard drive/monitering station, is
	accessible from the internet, can be set up to send out alerts,
	and so on.
Best Regards,

Peter The Plumber
<petertheplumber at att.net>

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