[mdlug] Blue.mdlug.org + Washlug Meeting; FM mike; Smoothboard

teacher1st teacher1st at bellsouth.net
Fri Mar 18 02:19:03 EDT 2011


Very nice piece of software.  Thanks for the work putting this together 
for remote attendees.

With a similar software, Openmeeting 
[http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/], an FM mike really helped when 
walking around.
Needed to remember to repeat questions / comments from the audience.

I used it with Smoothboard [software from www.smoothboard.org or java 
version from http://www.uweschmidt.org/wiimote-whiteboard ]
Inexpensive if you can borrow some kid's WiiRemote.  Made a pointer from 
Raid Shack purchased led, battery holder and surplus momentary switch.

See you all in person November when I relocate to Warren, MI.  Will be 
able to attend meeting remotely in meanwhile.



On 3/18/2011 12:30 PM, gib at juno.com wrote:
> Yeah, this is cool.  We can attend meetings that otherwise we'd miss.
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: "Carl T. Miller"<carl at carltm.com>
> To: "MDLUG's Main discussion list"<mdlug at mdlug.org>
> Subject: Re: [mdlug] Blue.mdlug.org + Washlug Meeting
> Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 10:03:41 -0400
> Yes, my only suggesstion is to have a good mic and
> maybe mute everyone except the presenter.  I only
> listened for a few minutes and I could make out most
> of what was being said even though there was a lot
> of background noise.
> I will say that it is pretty cool.  I was disappointed
> that I couldn't attend the meeting, but at least I
> was able to catch part of the presentation.
> c
> ============================  snip ========================================

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