[mdlug] World IPv6 Day - How are *YOU* doin'?

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Wed Jun 8 09:56:06 EDT 2011

   So how are people doing on World IPv6 Day???  Is everyone finding that
accessing their favorite websites and email services are working
flawlessly and transparently -- or have you encountered some bumps in the

   For me, with a SIT tunnel to Hurricane Electric and my own /64 IPv6
prefix, I am finding IPv6 to be running beautifully!!!  Now if/when my
upstream provider gets around to providing their subscribers with IPv6
prefixes, I will modify my RA server and add more AAAA and v6 PTR records
to my DNS and start using IPv6 to its fullest.  But until then, HE 
provides FREE IPv6 access :)

   World IPv6 Day started at 0000 zulu - or 8pm Eastern time last night.  
And it runs through 8pm this evening (Weddnesday).   But don't be 
surprised if many providers continue to leave their IPv6 access in place 
nonetheless.  Reports I am seeing on the NANOG mailing list indicate that 
things are going quite well :)

   If you have IPv6, give some of these sites a try:

   www.nist.gov  <--- opening page works, but all linked pages give a 404
                      but they report they are working on it

   Many sites don't require the "ipv6" and just use "www" to access them,
as most of the big players have added AAAA resource records to their DNS.  
Your browers *should* try the AAAA record first (if one is served) and
fallback to IPv4 (A record) if there is no ICMP Reachability via IPv6.

   Gmail has converted to IPv6, but users report that POP and IMAP are
still going over IPv4, however :(

   To test if you have IPv6 reachability, try:  http://test-ipv6.com

      --- Jay Nugent

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"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest 
reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a 
last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"-- 
Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
| Jay Nugent   jjn at nuge.com    (734)484-5105    (734)649-0850/Cell       |
|   Nugent Telecommunications  [www.nuge.com]                            |
|   Internet Consulting/Linux SysAdmin/Engineering & Design/ISP Reseller |
| ISP Monitoring [www.ispmonitor.org] ISP & Modem Performance Monitoring |
| Web-Pegasus    [www.webpegasus.com] Web Hosting/DNS Hosting/Shell Accts|
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