[mdlug] [WLUG] OT I Want More Bandwidth And Speed!

Peter Bart petertheplumber at att.net
Sun Jun 5 21:43:16 EDT 2011

On Tue, 17 May 2011 21:26:14 -0400
"Carl T. Miller" <carl at carltm.com> wrote:

> Peter Bart wrote:
> > 	I'm currently looking at getting either DSL or Uverse
> > business service, to get around the coming/allready here data caps.
> > I think some on this list are resellers for internet service, and
> > 	I would like to get some prices and recommendations from
> > those people.
> I'll bet that you'll like Uverse business service.  The
> only slight drawback is that they want to charge you for
> any kind of assistance.  So when you contact AT&T Uverse,
> you'll get friendly, helpful people until you get routed
> into the business track.
> That said, I love the service.  Great connectivity, no
> problem hosting servers, able to watch NetFlix while
> downloading ISO files and not even see a lag in the email
> client.  I don't recall the numbers, but I have the second
> highest transfer rate available.  I run my own DNS servers,
> so all I use from them is connectivity, and it has been
> flawless.  I paid for extra IP addresses and haven't used
> them yet.  I figured it was worth doing because I might need
> them later.  If you won't need extra addresses it saves a
> little every month.
> c

	for all the recommendations, I did end up getting Uverse
	business service, 12Mbps down 1Mbps up for $40/month plus taxes
	and fees. My phone was changed from a residential number to a
	business number, I don't know the exact cost yet. I was paying
	around $70/month for residential phone and DSL service; 6Mbps
	down 700 some Mbps up; taxes and fees included. I will be
	paying slightly more. If it's important I can post it when I
	find out. This is less than AT&T's and Comcast's advertised
	prices. Advertised rates for both business services were within
	a few dollars of each other. This allowed me to keep my current
	email address's until I sort out what I'm going to do with
	that. The install was uneventfull and the serviceman very
	helpful if unwilling to try and sort out my LAN. I didn't want
	him to and he did a basic install and located everything where
	I wanted it. After he left I ran the data line through my UPS
	and then to the provided 2wire 3600HGV. Then connected my
	existing LAN to the 2Wire. I did find what we thought was a
	ground was in fact not, but that was easily fixed with a clamp
	to the cold water line. I did run into a slight speed bump
	after the install because I run DD-WRT v24-sp1 on my Linksys
	WRT310N, the DD-WRT firewall default configuration of the
	firewall blocks DHCP renewal responses. See
	<http://svn.dd-wrt.com/ticket/973?version=15> I added the
	suggested line to the firewall and it seems to be working
	according to the included test. Also see:






	I'm running 11.25Mbps down and 1.39Mbps up according to
	<http://speedtest.umflint.edu/>. It was great downloading
	openSUSE 11.4 in less than one hour and watching my favorite
	Revision 3 streams at the same time! Streaming Netflix, the
	progress bar starts out slow, seems to crawl for a fraction of
	a second and then just slams over to the right, sweet! 

Best Regards,

Peter The Plumber
<petertheplumber at att.net>

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