[mdlug] Remote SSH commands

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 09:59:27 EST 2011

Dan Pritts wrote:
>> true.. but if it's from one computer within a company
>> to another, just transmitting administrative scripts,
>> i'm not too worried about a router being a security
>> risk in the transaction, nor that a windows machine will
>> have a packet sniffer looking at administrative scripts
>> that the windows user cannot run.
> Depends who you are trying to protect against.
> Insiders do a huge portion of computer crime.

That is true.  Fortunately, a half decently configured
Unix or Linux system prevents access to unauthorized
data even by users who have an account on the machine.

The real key is making sure passwords aren't sent
in the clear (rlogin & telnet being the big offenders).

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