[mdlug] [Discuss] Ubuntu 10.04 - where's the menu

Duane Brown dobwan at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 30 13:16:21 EDT 2011

no menu, but clicking on that icon does bring up the "thing" with 8 HUGE 
icons on it.

One of which is "More Apps" but it's nothing like what I consider to be 
a reasonably organized menu. YES, the more apps has a way to display all 
recognized apps loaded but it is about USELESS.

I just found, when that screen is maximized, there is a filter/selector 
on the top right corner which does restrict what is displayed to a 
selected category such as "Accessories" or "Science & Engineering". I 
guess that's not so bad. Not very efficient, way too many mouse clicks 
and screen movement required not to mention not at all intuitive. All 
this searching to just be able use the desktop is a MAJOR deterrent to 

I also don't see a way to resize the icons which would make it more useful.

All this jumping through hoops is not going to facilitate acceptance of 
Ubuntu or Linux within the computing community at large. Which makes me 
wonder if UDS considers what is necessary for leapfrogging the 
competition or if a vocal minority is getting the attention. Another of 
those things that just makes me go hum.

Now I think about it I do remember some side chatter at MUG meetings 
about the new unity interface and that after a few iterations it will 
become de-facto. Obviously, I question the wisdom of forcing this upon 
the computing world.


PS I should turn this into a suggestion to ubuntu for considering for 
the next UDS. How do I do that??? Seems like a topic for a lightening 
talk for the next MUG meeting, any takers???

On 04/30/2011 09:22 AM, gib at juno.com wrote:
> Move the mouse pointer to the far upper-left.
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Duane Brown<dobwan at earthlink.net>
> To: mug - discuss<discuss at mug.org>, MDLUG's Main discussion list<mdlug at mdlug.org>
> Subject: [Discuss] Ubuntu 10.04 - where's the menu
> Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 09:12:46 -0400
> how do I get the menu to show up?
> I REALLY kind of like the launcher on the right side of the screen but
> I'd like a way to access the regular menu, there is a utility to edit it
> but how do I use it as the launcher is limited.
> Thanks,
> Duane
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