[mdlug] EPC MiniBook Running ANDROID now

gib at juno.com gib at juno.com
Fri Apr 22 22:17:13 EDT 2011

Some of you may recall that I purchased a cheap ($80) netbook from China awhile back.  I was frustrated that it ran Windows CE 6 and the wireless didn't work.

Well, today I found a way to flash the memory to ANDROID.  The wireless works.  Very happy :)

Now I'm trying to learn ANDROID.  Looks good.  A few mind benders. No mouse, I don't have a touch screen and the touch pad isn't the same as a screen since you can't locate your position to click. So, using the arrow keys - just seems primitive. But I'm still happy.

Tried to download an app from the ANDRIOD store but was refused since I don't have a phone registered with this store.  I don't get it.  Linux allows you to download without registering.  Guess I'll figure it out.

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