[mdlug] VirtualBox under CentOS

Michael ORourke mrorourke at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 18 21:37:53 EDT 2011

>> Michael ORourke wrote:
>> I ran into something strange with VirtualBox running on a Linux Host OS
>> and
>> thought I would see if anyone else has run into this issue.  This all
>> started when I was trying to automate the startup/shutdown of VM's on the
>> Linux Host OS.  I found some example scripts with Google, but I can't 
>> seem
>> to get them to run reliably.  It seems if I startup a VM guest on the
>> console, and try to run the scripts manually to shutdown the VM, it 
>> fails.
>> Almost as if it did not even recognize that the VM guest was running. 
>> And
>> some commands such as "VBoxManage list runnningvms" shows no output, but 
>> I
>> know the VM guest is actually running.  I can even see it in the process
>> table.  I would have suspected that it was just a problem with the 
>> script,
>> but the regular VirtualBox commands don't seem to be working either.
>> Also,
>> if I do everything through the GUI, it seems to work fine.
> Check if the scripts are set to run as the same user that
> is logged into the gui.  VirtualBox identifies VMs using
> files that are stored in the user's directory, so a VM
> known to one user most likely is unknown to other users--
> even root.
> c
Interesting...  I don't quite get the logic of isolating control of the VM's 
on a user-by-user basis. But that's exactly what appears to be happening. 
Maybe I need to just stick with debugging the scripts from a single user. 
I'll give that a shot.  Thanks!


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