[mdlug] HP XW8000 HD Recomendations

Bhaskar Navaneetham Bhaskar at anitej.com
Wed Oct 6 16:27:29 EDT 2010

Hello Peter,

This workstation has amazing capability of handling a request like
webservers and I do have 4 of them in my office. The good thing about the
hard disk, it works beyond the life cycle such as million hrs before its

It works very well with linux platform yet there is a major drawback in this
hardware such as *"Kernel panic"* and it is occouring randomly. I thought
this is OS issue and its diagnose by several Linux expert and they conclude
that there is a issue with hardware. Henceforth I tried the flavor from
debian, redhat, centos, Ubuntu and all of the having same issue. But the
funny part was, it works great with windows servers and no issue yet 3 yrs
of my exp with this hardware.

For pricing, don't buy the processor and memory from Hp and this would be a
killer side of the hardware. My suggestion go with crucial and buy the
processor from some online store.

Best of Luck.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Peter Bart <petertheplumber at att.net> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> So I have my used HP XW8000
> <
> http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/11506_na/11506_na.HTML#Storage>
> and I'm looking to make this my home computer to install LinuxMCE on. What
> sort of hard drives should I get and does it make sense to configure them as
> a RAID? Of course I'll need a tuner card and probably a bunch of stuff I
> don't know about yet. I've been meaning to look into LinuxMCE when this
> computer jumped in my lap. Any help is appreciated.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Peter The Plumber
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