[mdlug] OT: PC2100 DIMMs?

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Mon Nov 29 09:03:56 EST 2010

I'm trying to Frankenstein together a computer for my kids. I've got a
2GHz P4 system, should be decent, but only one DIMM that works in it -
and it's only 128MB. I'm hoping someone on the list has some PC2100
DIMMS they don't need any more. The machine only has two memory slots,
so that's all I'd need. I'm hoping to get it boosted to a GB or so,

I can offer two 512MB PC2700 ECC DIMMs in exchange. They don't work in
that machine, but should work in a suitable motherboard.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.


 Ray Ingles                                     (313) 227-2317

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