[mdlug] Converting tapes

gib at juno.com gib at juno.com
Mon Nov 8 22:26:38 EST 2010

Umm, perhaps bring it to the meeting?

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Carl T. Miller" <carl at carltm.com>
To: "MDLUG's Main discussion list" <mdlug at mdlug.org>
Subject: Re: [mdlug] Converting tapes
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 20:53:47 -0500

Mark Thuemmel wrote:
> On 11/08/2010 07:11 PM, Carl T. Miller wrote:
>> I have a friend that needs some audio tapes converted
>> to cds.  Do you know of anyone locally who provides
>> this service?
> is an "audio tapes" a cassette or what?  how many?  how many minutes
> total and how many minutes per tape and per file?  is this music or
> spoken word?  how many CDs to finish the job?
> Certainly you've considered plugging an audio jack into a tape player
> and running audacity or loading Ubuntu Studio.....

I'm pretty sure these are music casette tapes, and there
are 13 of them.  Not sure how many cds...probably 13.

Actually I did think it would be possible to record from
a tape player, however I don't have one and I've never
tried to copy an analog source to a digital medium.

I was actually hoping there might be an audiophile on the
list that would be able to do this.


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