[mdlug] Clonezilla

Mark Stanislav mark.stanislav at gmail.com
Tue May 18 10:52:01 EDT 2010

To clarify, "/home/partimg is full! No space left on device" -- did
you actually mount your drive correctly to /home/partimg before
continuing? Also, is the drive formatted with a filesystem allowing
for a disk image large enough to fit on there? i.e. probably not

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Robert Jim Fulner <fulner at gmail.com> wrote:
> So I finally figured out why this wasn't posting the the mailing list, as I
> had changed my email address a while back for reasons I dont' remeber. As
> such when sending from my phone it only sends from my default GMAIL account,
> I switched that setting back.
> Now, on to my orginal inquiry!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Robert Jim Fulner <fulner at gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:45 AM
> Subject: Clonezilla
> To: MDLUG <mdlug at mdlug.org>
> I tried to send this a few days ago and I think it got eaten. Maybe I had
> too many FWD/RE/ATTACH connected, so here we go again with just my message.
> So I'm really bad about planning on doing something and then never got
> around to doing it.
> I downloaded clonezilla months ago and finally tried to back up my xplaptop
> tonight.
> I didn't fully understand some of the options, not sure if its still my lack
> of geek cred, or the poorly translated clonezilla, especially when it came
> to trying to do something with the /home/partimg/ directory.
> Just to recap what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to back up the hard disk on
> my laptop before I start f'n around with trying various partions and what
> have you, even if I elect not to truly dual boot, backup should still be a
> good idea. I'm hoping I can create the img store it on a flash drive, then
> transfer that img to my wifes gigantic alienware hard disk.
> Anyway back to my error, after going through all the options, not completley
> understanding them, nor seeing any choices that looked like my flash drivr I
> went ahead with the default settings and now I get this error:
> /home/partimg is full! No space left on device! The saved image file
> /home/partimg/nameofimage/sda2.ntfs-ptcl-img.gz is in complete! You have to
> increase the disk space then start clonezilla save mode again!
> Any insight you think would be helpful is greatly appreciated.
> Jim Fulner
> Sent from my GNU SmartPhone.Please dismiss not-so-smart typos.
> - Show quoted text -
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