[mdlug] Anyone an "expert" with MS Outlook?

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Mon May 10 19:50:45 EDT 2010

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Robert Adkins II <radkins at impelind.com> wrote:
> The boss has been experiencing problems with Outlook in recent weeks.
> What happens is that out of the blue, Outlook just stops sending email
> through our server. There's no rhyme or reason to it, this just happens.
> Except for this, when I have him restart his Outlook, it will work fine
> again, until it happens again.

Is he using an Exchange server, POP3, or IMAP?  It could be a server
authentication issue.

> I have found nothing on the MS Support pages discussing this behavior and I
> believe most of it is how he uses the application.
> He will open up dozens of emails and leave them on screen for days on end as
> a method of keeping track of what he is up to.
> The only thing I can come up with is that there is some memory issue
> creeping up in Outlook due to the fact the he never shuts the application
> and the non-standard way in which he uses the application, leaving multiple
> Outlook windows open for days on end.

> Now, I have been experiencing some issues recently with Outlook myself, such
> as it will suddenly no longer allow me to copy/past attachements out of
> emails into other applications, such as explorer to store the file on the
> server. A simple restart of Outlook fixes the problem.
> I believe that both issues are related. Both also started happening shortly
> after the release of several MS Windows updates about a month or two back.

Not necessarily unless your boss is having the same issue.  It could
also be interference from another application messing with the
clipboard (or malware).

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