[mdlug] 1211 -Penguicon Room Party - Clean up 10 AM

Tony Bemus tony at bemushosting.com
Sun May 2 10:52:02 EDT 2010

If you have stuff in the room and you need in email back and i will open the room.  Everything needs to be out before noon

Tony Bemus
Sent from my smartphone

-----Original Message-----
From: gib at juno.com <gib at juno.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 9:10 AM
To: gib at juno.com
Cc: warnermach at gmail.com; richardj55 at sbcglobal.net; clyne at lodden.com; officers at mdlug.org; board at mug.org; sanzicar at yahoo.com; mdlug at mdlug.org; mdbader at wowway.com; franzb at ameritech.net; argie4444 at yahoo.com; jrl at lodden.com; open.computing at yahoo.com; edz at comcast.net
Subject: 1211 -Penguicon Room Party - Clean up 10 AM

Clean up is scheudled for 10AM today. Get your stuff.

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