[mdlug] [WLUG] voip service?

Rengesh Krishna rengesh at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 21 14:18:58 EDT 2010

Dear Peter,

I have been using viatalk (www.viatalk.com) for over 5 years. This is a regular VOIP service that you use with normal phones. There is no software required. For the new customers they charge 200 dollars for 2 years. After that I get 18 months for 200 dollars. There are few things that are good about them: -
1. If you already have a VOIP box like PAP2T they will simply send you the credentials so you are ready to go right away.
2. You can order the same box from them - but unlike many VOIP providers they don't have a problem sending you the administrative password.
3. They have two-lines that can be programed independently - I have programmed the second line to gizmo5 (earlier it used to be called sipphone)
4. They do support Asterisk, as they provide the complete code when you sign on to your account. I see that they are giving me two codes (sip.conf and extensions.conf) (I don't have Asterisk so I can tell any further)
5. Their CEO hangs around in dslreports.com forums and responds to user's problems, which I kind of like.
6. They do have several features such as simul-ring, conditional call forward, conditional call block or call routing using wild-card, call hunt, call alarm. (I have been using these features for many years)
7. Above all, they do support calls using a software. You can use your own SIP software (like linphone) and configure using the SIP credentials they supply to you in your profile.

Hope this helps.


From: Peter Bart <petertheplumber at att.net>
To: MDLUG's Main discussion list <mdlug at mdlug.org>
Sent: Sun, March 21, 2010 10:40:20 AM
Subject: Re: [mdlug] [WLUG] voip service?

On Sun, 2010-03-21 at 10:37 -0400, Peter Bart wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-03-21 at 10:19 -0400, Carl T. Miller wrote:
> > Hi Peter,
> > 
> > Two questions:  Does it work with Asterisk and how much
> > do you pay for what level of service?
> > 
> Dear Carl,
>     You can check out rates here <http://www.gizmo5.com/rates>

Sorry, I can't tell the difference between lists anymore! Argh!
Best Regards,

Peter The Plumber

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