[mdlug] New Website Final Testing

Michael Corral micorral at comcast.net
Thu Jul 29 14:42:55 EDT 2010

2010-07-29, Monsieur Tony Bemus a ecrit:
> We are entering the Final Testing phase for the new website.
> http://www.mdlug.org/testing/    Please check it out and let me know if
> you find any miss-spellings or dead links.

1. In the "Monthly Meetings" paragraph, change
      "Gaudior Academy is Located at"
      "Gaudior Academy is located at"
    and put a period after the zipcode 48141.

2. In the "FREEDOM, COMMUNITY, SUPPORT" heading with the green background,
    the paragraph below it has some weird formatting, with a single "the"
    on a line by itself (the second line). Also, the "More details" link
    is cut off about midway. See here for how it looks in Firefox 3.6.7
    on my machine: http://i.imgur.com/SJ4yY.png

3. The "Next meeting" paragraph has some missing periods at the end
    of two sentences.

4. On the http://www.mdlug.org/testing/maillist.html page, change
      "Once subscribeed you will have apassword"
      "Once subscribed, you will have a password"

There may be more, but that's all I saw right away. Otherwise, good job.


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