[mdlug] Install netrik now, save your @$$ later

Robert Jim Fulner fulner at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 16:57:09 EDT 2010

So when I first started using GNU/Linux it was mostly to get around Windows
machines I had access but no one wanted me touching the goodies on.

As such one of my favorite distros for years was "Damn Small Linux". One of
the applications included in DSL was a terminal based web browser called
netrik, talk about ultra light! I'm sure back in 1995 it was even more
useful when the www was so dependenten on crap like java Flash, etc., etc.,
but still was fun to play with in the 2000s anyway.

With most every LinuxBox I've set up since then I've configured netrik, just
for the heck of it. I though "I just might need this someday" not really
thinking why.

After years of being a GNU/Linux user, i'm still just a user. I've never got
a good hold of a lot of the great tools of Linux including find and
configuring etc. I've never really needed to, not that part of me didn't
want to, because a quick Ixquick search, or Google I suppose, would give me
the little bit of instruction I'd need to get insert-situation-here done.

In the last week I had two issues come up. First, I somehow hosed my
X Windows on my primary desktop, a Debian box, and apparently didn't have
the correcert User & root PASSWORDs I had set up just a few
minutes previously on a new Ubuntu installation on my laptop.

Both cases I would have been up a creek without a paddle, but both cases
netrik was able to help me easily search for the info I needed to fix my
problem withouth having to boot into X. Highly recommend it!

P.S. Thanks for putting up with the voiceOnTheGo spam the other day. Testing
new services, and sometimes, let me tell you, sometimes default SETTINGS

Jim Fulner
The DetroitLibertyPenguin
Promoting Free Minds, Free Markets and Free Software
*and whenever possible Free Beer
*"For as long as one of your brothers is not free, none of you are free"
248-765-7458 (cell)

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