[mdlug] OT: Microsoft Monopoly

Peter Bart petertheplumber at att.net
Fri Aug 20 07:17:59 EDT 2010

On Thu, 2010-08-19 at 10:55 -0400, Robert Adkins II wrote:
> > 
> > --- David Lane wrote:
> > 
> > > Recently I was informed that a Linux server is being replaced by a 
> > > windows 2008 server.  I started to think about “Microsoft Monopoly” 
> > > case. MS must have a very good legal team.
> > 
> > The problem is not the "monopoly", it's the flawed perception 
> > that, somehow, Windows severs are easier/cheaper/better than 
> > *nix servers.
> > The fact is that Internet-facing Windows servers are MUCH 
> > more vulnerable to attack than Linux/BSD/Mac-based servers.  
> > I don't have the exact statistics in front of me, but from 
> > what I have seen, WAMP servers (Windows/Apache/MySQL/PHP) are 
> > more vulnerable than LAMP servers, with the Win/IIS server 
> > stack the most vulnerable of all to attack.  This means that 
> > Windows servers cost users TWICE (or more)--once for the OS, 
> > once for the added security and (to a high
> > probability) even more to clean up the mess after a 
> > successful attack; not to mention the down time needed to 
> > reboot the system(s) after the endless cycle of updates (that 
> > often cause more problems than they solve).
> > 
> > You may find more about this here:
> > <http://uptime.netcraft.com/ex/pass/pass-faq.html>
> > 
> > ~~ Michael Rudas
> >    My home page: http://MRudas.2Ya.com
> >    My software blog: http://FaveSoft.blogspot.com
> >    My Protopage links: http://TinyURL.com/protop
> >    http://www.Facebook.com/ScienceMikey
>   When it is said that it is "easier" to Administer a Windows Server than a
> Linux server, what they really mean is that there are more people out in the
> wilds of the job market that are "knowledgable" about Administrating Windows
> than Linux systems. It has absolutely nothing to do with the actual
> configuration or maintaining of the resulting systems.
>   Modern Linux distros are in many ways as easy or easier to setup and
> configure than comparable duty Windows servers/systems.
>   -Rob

	Easier is almost never better. What Rob says about about Windows vs
*nix people can be said about almost any trade/occupation. For example
handyman vs licensed plumber. I don't get it as much anymore; because I
do mostly commercial/industrial work; but I can still hear "I can get
that at xxxxx for much less". Yes, but can you install and maintain it
correctly for a long and troublefree life? Do you want it to fail at a
critical time? See Murphys Law.
Best Regards,

Peter The Plumber

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