[mdlug] Conclave

Michael Rudas audiotech50 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 20:43:04 EDT 2009

--- Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> --- Garry Stahl wrote:

>> Anyone other than myself going to Conclave?

> What is it?

It's a science fiction convention going on this weekend at an airport
hotel in Romulus.  Attendence is generally about 800 or so people.
Although not QUITE as techie/geeky as Penguicon, it has its share of
computer nerds--including Linux users.  Marla & I will be there.

~~ Michael Rudas
    My home page: http://MRudas.2Ya.com
    My Linux Protopage links: <http://www.protopage.com/mprudas#Main/Linux>

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