[mdlug] Cute javascript hack

Raymond McLaughlin driveray at ameritech.net
Mon Oct 5 16:16:39 EDT 2009

Raymond McLaughlin wrote:
> Brian wrote:
>> Ahhhh, yea noscript reloads the page when you toggle permissions which
>> is probably causing that.  You can toggle that option but it's
>> probably what you want to happen most of the time.
> Oh, I can toggle that option? I'll look at that. You are right, it is
> the behavior I would want most of the time, but if I can gain
> flexibility by turning it off I might prefer to use manual reload when
> needed.

Thanks for pointing that option out to me, it works! I think I'll try
running that way for a while.

>> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Raymond McLaughlin
>> <driveray at ameritech.net> wrote:
>>> I have noscript installed. I don't see the lyrics on this page until I
>>> select the option to "(temporarily) allow all scripts this page". As
>>> soon as I select the "Revoke permissions" the lyrics disappear, replaced
>>> by a message that javascript must be enabled to see the content. Putting
>>> javascript:void(document.onmousedown=null) in the locater bar does nothing.
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