[mdlug] Cute javascript hack

Brian fativi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 16:10:22 EDT 2009

Ahhhh, yea noscript reloads the page when you toggle permissions which
is probably causing that.  You can toggle that option but it's
probably what you want to happen most of the time.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Raymond McLaughlin
<driveray at ameritech.net> wrote:
> I have noscript installed. I don't see the lyrics on this page until I
> select the option to "(temporarily) allow all scripts this page". As
> soon as I select the "Revoke permissions" the lyrics disappear, replaced
> by a message that javascript must be enabled to see the content. Putting
> javascript:void(document.onmousedown=null) in the locater bar does nothing.
> Brian wrote:
>> If this something you have to do a lot you might want to check out the
>> noscript extension for firefox.  It gives you an easy way of maintaing
>> a sort of acl list for what domains can run javascript and flash.  It
>> also has a few other nifty security features like XSS detection.
>> On 10/5/09, Wojtak, Greg <GregWojtak at quickenloans.com> wrote:
>>> On that particular page, letting the page load and then unchecking the
>>> 'Enable JavaScript Support' allowed me to copy and paste in Firefox.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org [mailto:mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org] On Behalf Of
>>> Raymond McLaughlin
>>> Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:41 PM
>>> To: MDLUG's Main discussion list
>>> Subject: Re: [mdlug] Cute javascript hack
>>> Nice try Ray, but it doesn't seem to work on this page:
>>> <http://www.metrolyrics.com/too-rolling-stoned-lyrics-robin-trower.html>
>>> I could copy the text I wanted from the page source view, though. Any
>>> other suggestions?
>>> Raymond McLaughlin
>>> Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>>>>  Some websites use javascript to disallow using the right mouse button
>>>> as a context menu. Snopes.com is the first one I've seen disallowing the
>>>> *left* mouse button so you can't cut and paste. Fortunately, it's
>>>> relatively easy to bypass this. I have a couple of bookmarks:
>>>> Name: Give me my left mouse button back!
>>>> Location: javascript:void(document.onmousedown=null)
>>>> Name: Give me my right mouse button back!
>>>> Location: javascript:void(document.oncontextmenu=null)
>>>>  Just select the bookmark and, voila, your mouse works the way it's
>>>> supposed to. I thought others might appreciate knowing this.
>>>>  Sincerely,
>>>>  Ray Ingles                                                  (313)
>>>> 227-2317
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