[mdlug] 11/12 Meeting for USSF Tech Volunteers

Mark Libkuman libkuman at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 10:42:05 EST 2009

Sorry for my inability to handle dates.

Thursday November 12th at Cass Cafe

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Mark Libkuman <libkuman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>   I am writing to let you know about a meeting for people willing to
> help with technology for the next United States Social Forum. The
> Forum is being held in Detroit in June of 2010. This meeting will be
> Thursday,  November 11th at 7pm at the Cass Cafe located at 4620 Cass
> Ave between W. Forest Ave and Prentis Street in Detroit.
>    Many of you  may have already heard of the Social Forum being held
> in Detroit, what you might not have heard is that the USSF has
> committed to a set of principals for all of the technology driving the
> forum, including the following:
> "Technology decisions will leverage the principles of free and open
> source software; software free of corporate control, non-proprietary,
> owned and maintained by the community of developers and users.
> (consistent with WSF Charter of Principles 4)" (from
> http://ict.ussf2010.org/wiki/technology_principles)
>  Therefore, to make the Social Forum a success we are going to need
> lots of help from the Free Software Community and first place you look
> for that is Linux Users groups. The last US Social Forum was in
> Atlanta, and through the local Linux Users Group there we were able to
> get volunteers to help us obtain almost 100 work stations, then get
> them all running Ubuntu with a package of necessary free software
> tools in order to register 10,000 folks in a few hours, plus provide
> enough computers for a fully functioning media lab.
>  So to make Detroit a success we have a lot of work to do and we need
> help from people on the ground. At the meeting we will be discussing:
> 1. setting up computers for registration
> 2. setting up a media lab
> 3. other onsite tech needs
> 4. The 5 current websites for promoting and organizing the social
> forum (2 wikis, 3 drupal sites)
> 5. Other Work of the ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
> working group
> 6. organizing a regular Detroit Local Organizing Tech Committee.
>  So would love to see you Thursday night, but if you can't come and
> are interested please email me.
> cheers,
> Mark Libkuman
> Information and Communication Technology Working Group
> United States Social Forum, 2010 Detroit

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