[mdlug] laptop harddrive

Robert Jim Fulner fulner at gmail.com
Thu May 28 14:59:56 EDT 2009

She currently has a 55 GB, I'm sure I wouldn't need more than that as
she has not used up most of that already. If you ask my wife she'll
tell you she needs much larger, I'm sure. I tried to talk her out of
the 500 GB external, and she went ahead and got it 2 years ago,
currently with less than 10 gigs of stuf on it. (Not the least of
which is me backing mup my /home directory each time I upgrade,
without her knowledge of course).

>What size range?  Laptops are not scary as long as you take a few steps.

1:  Get the service manual.  They all open up differently.  Even the
same maker will change things drastically between models.  They should
be available as a PDF on line.

2:  A clear work area with a nice little cup for the tiny screws.

3:  Go slowly.  Haste makes doorstops.

Changeling a hard drive should not be major surgery.  They are not an
arm and a leg anymore.

Jim Fulner
Chair Libertarian Party of Oakland County
PO Box 252762
West Bloomfield, Michigan 48325
715-419-0445 (cell)

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