[mdlug] Open Source Bug Reporting Windows

Robert Jim Fulner fulner at gmail.com
Tue May 5 17:49:49 EDT 2009


So I wanted to run this by y'all and see what you think.

At work I still run Windows, but most of the applications I use are Open
Source programs. If one of these applications crashes, Windoze offers me an
option to tell Microsoft about the problem. Do you think I should? Obviously
I SHOULD file a bug report with the particular project team, and as soon as
I figure out how to do that I certainly will, but should I tell Microsoft
about it? My paranoid schizophrenic self says "don't tell the enemy what we
are working on", but before I make this decision I'd like to here the
opinions of a few more crazy penguin lovers.

Yours in Liberty,

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