[mdlug] How to make minicom read AT commands from a file

Jonathan Billings billings at negate.org
Sun Mar 29 12:06:41 EDT 2009

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 04:18:01AM -0500, Jay Nugent wrote:
>    And inside CHAT, the thing that does the exchange of sending AT 
> commands and reading back the result codes ("OK") was a program called 

Perhaps you used a different 'chat' than me, but the 'chat' I've used
has always been it's own C program, similar to 'expect' but different
syntax.  (I recall expect was in TCL, correct me if I'm wrong.)  You
could certainly get similar results with 'expect' and something like

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

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