[mdlug] WJR Internet Advisor program

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 21:03:14 EDT 2009

This is one of the "Weekend Experts" programs:

They frequently have MacOS specialist on.

Any mention of Linux is treated as being extremely esoteric
and almost bizarre by the three primary hosts who, while nice
people, seem to have knowledge of nothing other than Windows.

Gary Baker is a high level CIO type, but has most of his
experience in the era of IBM Mainframe + proprietary *ix +
lots of pre-packaged MS "solutions" (polutions?) at the
desktop level.  He seems to be part of the "old guard" who
considers Linux to be an inferior competitor to HP-UX/Solaris/etc.

Ed Rudel is... well, a tinkerer who's experience is strictly
limited to MS products (other than using a Linux-based rescue
CD to repair self-destructed Windows systems).  He has about
10 years with EDS, but it all seems to be limited strictly
to Windows desktop support.

Primary host Foster Braun is a non-technical guy in his 60's,
who basically organizes the calls/keeps the show flowing, and
makes sure that jargon is explained so that listeners understand
technical answers.  The only reason he's aware of Linux is 
because it's mentioned by callers occasionally.  In many ways,
he represents the typical home user, whose knowledge in the
area is slim, and so prods the experts to make sure they
explain things to a satisfactory amount for non-technical listeners.

So, anyways, to get to my point:

Suppose we volunteered to field Linux questions -- and put
in that we are volunteers who can come in on a rotating
basis, and simultaneously, plug MDLUG ;-)

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