[mdlug] Help diagnosing hardware problem

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 12:21:12 EDT 2009

Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>> From: Robert Adkins
>> Gigagbyte products aren't exactly known for their longterm robustness,
>> it's within the realm of possibility that the motherboard is on the
> way out.
>  I hope that's not the case. A new power supply is a cheap enough gamble
> to see if it gets things working.

I would like to see a power-supply test that can be connected
WHILE the PS is under load (connected to the motherboard).

Only the most catastrophically damaged power supplies will
show up as bad under low-load condition

Perhaps a sort of "Y" connector is needed for this.

>> The good thing is, everything is cheap as all hell these days, for
>> replacement computer parts.
>  Yeah, it won't be a crisis if it's the MB or CPU. I just hope not,
> that's all.

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