[mdlug] Linux Desktops For Sale

Jonathan Billings billings at negate.org
Wed Jul 1 21:42:30 EDT 2009

On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 04:30:56PM -0400, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> That's all great and fine for systems that are backed up
> on a regular basis (which home systems generally AREN't)
> But what happens when the LVM config data gets hosed for
> whatever reason?
> Partition tables rarely get hosed.
> I have, unfortunately, had to pick up the pieces of more
> than one LVM disaster (and these machines were from industry
> leaders, like Sequent and HP).  Without backup tapes, the
> whole thing would have been unrecoverable.
> I would NEVER suggest LVM for *any* user who doesn't do
> regular backups (at least once per week).

I realize you've had bad experience with some sort of logical volume
management.  We've discussed this before on-list.  Linux's LVM has
really matured.  The LVM config is stored in multiple places in the
partition.  You make it seem like it could blow up at the slightest
provocation, which is simply not the case.  

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

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