[mdlug] OSNews > Thread > "RE[4]: Great Release" by Krul
Aaron Kulkis
akulkis00 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 21:02:31 EST 2009
So, Segio admits that the whole KDE 4.0 release as "ready to use"
was in fact, deliberate dishonesty.
My opinion of this ****** as a developer and someone worthy of
(dis-)trust cannot sink any lower.
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The release of KDE 4.0 was not a smooth one, and left a number of users a bit disgruntled. Still, the release showed so much potential that it was oozing out of every pixel. KDE 4.1 improved significantly in many areas of concern, but it wasn't yet ready for everyone. With today's release of KDE 4.2, the KDE4 vision is ready to face not only developers and enthusiasts, but every users. We have taken a look at the release candidate for KDE 4.2, and we have a short interview with KDE's Aaron Seigo.</div>
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RE[4]: Great Release</a>
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by <a href="/user/Krul">Krul</a> on Thu 29th Jan 2009 17:20 UTC
in reply to "<a href="/thread?345819">RE[3]: Great Release</a>"
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2009-01-29<br />
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<p class="comment_body">A lot of people seems to forget that KDE is a project that relies heavily on volunteers. 3.5 was released in 2005, if they had waited until now to release 4.0 it would have been more than 3 years of silence from the KDE team. <br />
<br />
What happened after 4.0 was released was that <br />
<br />
a)Users got involved. They didn't just tried a beta version for 5 min. and said, "well is a beta version, I will check it back later". They actually filled bug reports, and wrote lengthy blog entries about the missing features that they more desperately wanted. <br />
<br />
b)People with coding skills started to scratch their own itches. Instead of just looking at the beta version for 5 min and said, "well is a beta version, they still have time to close this bugs", they said "What a mess of bugs! it looks like I will have to close this bug myself" and then they helped. <br />
<br />
c)Developers started to work on the framework. Again once 4.0 was released instead of keep waiting some developers saw the potential and started to use the new framework. Remember the framework was supposed to be ready by the time 4.0 was released, but it hadn't been seriously tired until them. A lot of bugs, missing parts and the like were found after people started to actually use this frameworks. <br />
<br />
d)Potential developers noticed KDE 4. This is an important point. While the KDE team was building the pillars of KDE 4, other projects were making good progress on the user visible part and were attracting all the attention. After 4.0 was released lots of people saw the potential and decided to join, instead of deciding to help in another projects. The number of svn accounts went up after 4.0 was released which helped to accelerate the developing process. <br />
<br />
So when people say that 4.2 is better now because of 4.0 this is why they say it. Even so it wasn't an easy choice and is debatable if this advantages are enough to compensate the damage to the public image of the project. I think they made the right call but it was definitely a controversial decision.</p>
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<span class="score"> Score: <span id="score_346128" style="color:000;">2</span></span>
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RE[5]: Great Release</a>
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by <a href="/user/Panajev">Panajev</a> on Thu 29th Jan 2009 18:03
in reply to "<a href="/thread?346128">RE[4]: Great Release</a>"
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2008-01-09<br />
<div class="comcontent" style="display:block;" id="comcontent_346134">
<p class="comment_body"><div class="cquote">a)Users got involved. They didn't just tried a beta version for 5 min. and said, "well is a beta version, I will check it back later". They actually filled bug reports, and wrote lengthy blog entries about the missing features that they more desperately wanted. <br />
<br />
b)People with coding skills started to scratch their own itches. Instead of just looking at the beta version for 5 min and said, "well is a beta version, they still have time to close this bugs", they said "What a mess of bugs! it looks like I will have to close this bug myself" and then they helped. <br />
<br />
c)Developers started to work on the framework. Again once 4.0 was released instead of keep waiting some developers saw the potential and started to use the new framework. Remember the framework was supposed to be ready by the time 4.0 was released, but it hadn't been seriously tired until them. A lot of bugs, missing parts and the like were found after people started to actually use this frameworks. <br />
<br />
d)Potential developers noticed KDE 4. This is an important point. While the KDE team was building the pillars of KDE 4, other projects were making good progress on the user visible part and were attracting all the attention. After 4.0 was released lots of people saw the potential and decided to join, instead of deciding to help in another projects. The number of svn accounts went up after 4.0 was released which helped to accelerate the developing process. <br />
<br />
So when people say that 4.2 is better now because of 4.0 this is why they say it. </div> <br />
<br />
I understand that, same reasons outlined by Seigo himself, but it does not speak too well about either the development process of KDE, or the way it was presented to the users and developers alike during development, or the community itself. <br />
<br />
Basically Alpha, Beta, and RC phases were not enough to bring enough attention from users which would find, report, and complain about bugs as well as from developers which would hear complains of users, try their application on the .0 release, make fixes, etc... <br />
<br />
Seigo says he was worried about having the project stay in eternal Beta and thus having user and developers ignore it. <br />
<br />
You yourself seem to say that not nearly enough users and developers alike did not pay much attention to the project when it was just a Beta because... it was just a beta! And this is like the big pink elephant in the room nobody is talking about. <br /> <br /><i>Edited 2009-01-29 18:04 UTC</i></p>
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<span class="score"> Score: <span id="score_346134" style="color:000;">1</span></span>
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