[mdlug] Anti-phisher, etc. [was: [opensuse] how to put different wallpapers on each desktop.]

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 16:22:23 EST 2009

Note the address at the bottom:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [opensuse] how to put different wallpapers on each desktop.
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 16:09:39 -0500
From: Scott Pancoast <SPancoast at nw3c.org>
To: <opensuse at opensuse.org>

In the preious version of SuSE I was using (10.3), I could set different
wallpapers on each desktop.  I can't find that option in SuSE 11.1 -
Where did they move it to? ( I am running KDE 4.1, I think? )


Scott Pancoast CFCE, CPA ret.
Computer Crime Specialist
National White Collar Crime Center
1000 Technology Drive Ste 2130
Fairmont WV 26554

(304) 366 9094 x2229
spancoast at nw3c.org
slippery.wv at gmail.net

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