[mdlug] Hardware diagnostic SW

Michael Rudas audiotech50 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 23 07:50:42 EST 2009

--- Jeff Hanson wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Aaron Kulkis <akulkis00 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Lately, I've seen packaging for motherboards proclaiming:
>>                        All CERAMIC Capacitors

> Actually "solid" and it usually means replacing aluminum electrolytics
> with tantalum.

Ummm, no.  Tantalum caps are NOT suitable for low-ESR applications.  A
"solid" capacitor is one that uses a polymer-film electrolyte
replacement (MUCH more expensive to manufacture--more processing
steps).  The relation of a "solid" capacitor to an electrolytic
capacitor is (much simplified) the relation of a lithium-polymer
battery to a Li-ion battery.

~~ Michael Rudas
    My home page: http://MRudas.2Ya.com
    My blog: http://FaveSoft.blogspot.com

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