[mdlug] Suggestions for games for an elderly parent? Starcraft

David Lane dcl400m at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 20 16:02:48 EST 2009

Even though I love Linux and would buy Games For Linux if they were available.  I also find that with a lot of key Applications I have to have MS :(. 

Wish List: 
1. Visio Like Application for Linux 
2. Better Linux Game choice (Maybe EA will see the light).
3. Low Gas Prices 
4. Linux/OpenSource Super Bowl Commercials 

From what I read the play station is based on the PowerXcell chip a project IBM & Sony was a part of, so getting an OS independant game engine is not a huge leap.

David C. Lane 

From: Jeff Hanson <jhansonxi at gmail.com>
To: MDLUG's Main discussion list <mdlug at mdlug.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:19:38 PM
Subject: Re: [mdlug] Suggestions for games for an elderly parent? Starcraft

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 1:45 PM, David Lane <dcl400m at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Here are some others
> http://www.lokigames.com/products/

Most of those suffer from serious bit rot and are difficult to get
working on modern distros.  I know because I have several of them.
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