[mdlug] New laptop hard drive suggestions.

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 19:42:58 EST 2009

Jim Broughton wrote:
> It's time to replace the original hard drive in my laptop.
> Not from over use as I don't think I have hit the MTBF
> number but more from age (bought in 2002). I want to
> keep the rotational speed to 5400rpm due to heat issues.
> Not thrilled with the Travelstar line as I have had one
> fail on me. Also 80gb to 100gb will be plenty of space.
> Any thoughts, suggestions will be helpful.

I have a couple of 120 GB, 5400 RPM IDE laptop drives which
I bought when I was serving in Baghdad, and have been used
only lightly, as they were all used as external USB devices.
Primary use was data rescue before reimaging on the office
Windows XP machines (gag!  A never ending problem vortex of
problems, compared to our in-vehicle Linux systems, which
never had even a hiccup.)

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