[mdlug] Open source MySQL - MySQL Creator: Oracle to Purchase Sun which Owns M ySQL

David Lane dcl400m at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 15 09:02:22 EST 2009

I would agree that MySql has made a big dent in Oracle.  MySql changed the market. As one of the KEY open source resources it made build a data driven web site viable and ofcourse other projects too. 

As a programmer I can develop a soloution with MySql with out an account line.  

At this time I do not believe that Oracle will be honorable to MySQL. Because MySQL had a major negitive impact on Orcale.

David C. Lane

From: "gib at juno.com" <gib at juno.com>
To: discuss at mug.org; mdlug at mdlug.org
Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 7:57:31 AM
Subject: [mdlug] Open source MySQL - MySQL Creator: Oracle to Purchase Sun which Owns M ySQL

MySQL Creator: Oracle to Purchase Sun which Owns MySQL.
" . . . Michael "Monty" Widenius, the creator of MySQL, is asking you urgently to help save MySQL from Oracle's clutches".

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