[mdlug] global linux helpline

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 11:54:46 EDT 2009

On 8/6/09, Dean Durant <mdlug at wowway.com> wrote:
> And of course, I wouldn't do windows. Not for free. Maybe there would be
> some kind of outrageous premium for windows support, like maybe $500/ hour,
> and no guarantees.
> unemployed people could take the calls and maybe prove what they can do, or
> what they know. There's already a website offering free linux help. I just
> don't know how much publicity they've gotten.

Don't do Linux support for free.  Do it at 1/2 price.  Maybe send some
of the proceeds to help some F/OSS app development.  F/OSS is a
service industry after all.  Considering the price and quality of
typical Windows support (Geek Squad, etc.) you could still generate a
lot of cash flow at 1/2 price and generate publicity.

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