[mdlug] Alienware doesn't support boot from CD?

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 14:00:37 EDT 2009

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Robert Jim Fulner<fulner at gmail.com> wrote:
> We have an older 500 GB external hard disk with several years of back-up
> files, photos, music, etc. FYI it is a Maxtor branded device with its own
> power source and both USB and Firewire connectoin

It's been said that Maxtor is the James Dean of hard drives - live
fast, die young.

> Since she got her new comptuer she's been unable to "mount" it via Vista 64
> bit. Windoze recognizes that a device has been pluggd in, even that its
> Maxtor. But gives a message about needing to download the correct drivers.
> Upon contacting the manufacturer they have no 64 bit drivers available and
> we should use more common hardware. (Wow, good thing I didn't mention
> Linux). Why it needs drivers at all and can't just mount it as a mass
> storage deviice I don't understand.

Fundamental limitation of the Windows business model.  Other than the
basics the drivers are someone else's problem.

> Previously I have had no problem connecting hte same drive to both of my
> Linux boxes. After several days of this she decided I should just grab the
> files she needed off of the Linux box. However, now when I plug the drive
> in, to either USB or Firewire my machine no longer recongizes the device.
> I'm guessing theres a better way to troublehoot this than to plug it in and
> hope that it shows up in my file manager, but that's what has always worked
> before.

If nothing else has changed then it's a hardware problem.

> Also a few months ago the device started making a lot more noises, usually a
> slow ticking noise whenever it was plugged in, but we've never had a problem
> with it until recently.
> What is going on?  And most importantly how to do I have  my data? Old
> backups of my /home directory are not important, but to keep a happy wife I
> better find a way to get all of her pictures off of there.

Take the drive out of the box and connect it directly to the PC.  If
that doesn't work then the drive itself is failing.  You can try
putting it in a freezer but even if it starts working it won't last
long.  You'll have to put it in a plastic bag to prevent condensation
shorting it out when exposed to warm air.

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