[mdlug] 64 bit java (7) plugin for firefox - how to get it to work?

Jesse Salens jjsalens at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 09:13:59 EDT 2008

Yes, they do offer a 64-bit version of java, but as far as browsers go it
lacks a plugin. The download site specifically states "Please use the 32-bit
version for Java applet and Java Web Start support". I've not had much luck
with using the 32-bit plugin in a 64-bit browser. For many of the applets
and web applications that I use (which unfortunately number way to high) I
use a 32-bit browser with the 32-bit plugin.

The major version release that sun announced with full 64-bit browser
support isn't expected until 2009:

The date for JRE 6 update release which has this 64bit JRE support
will be early 2009.
Posted Date : 2008-04-09 16:57:04.0

The icedtea version of java (compiled from openjava) works well for a lot of
sites, but not everything.

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Rich Clark <rrclark at rrclark.net> wrote:

> On Tue, September 2, 2008 5:54 pm, Dean Durant wrote:
> > Hello, does anyone know anyone about the java plug-in for firefox on a
> > 64-bit x86_64 platform?    Does it come with java 7?
> >
> > There is this file, something like libjavaplugin_oji.so that I have to
> > create a soft link to in the firefox plugins directory.   This file is
> > supposed to come with the jre or the jdk, is that right?
> >
> > I'm not finding it.  I can't get java to work on this 64 bit workstation,
> > even though firefox is installed.   Is there a java-based browser from
> sun
> > or anything?    I need to get this to work.   We have this cluster portal
> > software that runs in a browser and it requires java.
> >
> > Do I want the 64 bit firefox or the 32 bit firefox?    I know, I asked
> > this question before.   I think the answer was, I want the 32 bit
> > firefox.   Then the plugin will work, like a 1.6 plugin.   Is that
> > right?
> http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com:80
> That there link will get you to Sun's Java.com download page for their
> Linux versions. Included is the 64-bit version, which, if you run a 64 bit
> operating system, you'll need the 64-bit java software running on a 64 bit
> version of the browser.
> HTH.
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