[mdlug] 64 bit java (7) plugin for firefox - how to get it to work?

Jesse Salens jjsalens at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 18:29:26 EDT 2008

There actually isn't a 64-bit java plugin provided by sun. Sun claims it
will be in the next major version release.

Your best bet for full java compatibility is to install a 32-bit browser and
use the 32-bit java package. Another option is icedtea, which is a
opensource java implementation and comes in 64-bit. In my experience it
doesn't work as well as the Sun Java with a few things like Juniper VPNs,
but works well for other applets.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Dean Durant <mdlug at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Hello, does anyone know anyone about the java plug-in for firefox on a
> 64-bit x86_64 platform?    Does it come with java 7?
> There is this file, something like libjavaplugin_oji.so that I have to
> create a soft link to in the firefox plugins directory.   This file is
> supposed to come with the jre or the jdk, is that right?
> I'm not finding it.  I can't get java to work on this 64 bit workstation,
> even though firefox is installed.   Is there a java-based browser from sun
> or anything?    I need to get this to work.   We have this cluster portal
> software that runs in a browser and it requires java.
> Do I want the 64 bit firefox or the 32 bit firefox?    I know, I asked this
> question before.   I think the answer was, I want the 32 bit firefox.   Then
> the plugin will work, like a 1.6 plugin.   Is that right?   thanks, Dean
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