[mdlug] AT&T DSL and postfix
Dan DeSloover
zifferent at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 16 13:16:33 EDT 2008
I didn't know it was possible to send directly. I thought the block was on
incoming 25 which I have had unblocked. I only use AT&T's server to relay
out because I assumed 2 things.
First that for spammy reasons and because every ISP I've ever used does it
that way outgoing SMTP was verboten.
Second that mail originating from AT&T SMTP IP address would be less
likely to be blacklisted by spamfilers.
Am I missing something?
Oh and that error occurs because when relaying outgoing mail through AT&T
you have to setup the accounts as verified senders in your Yahoo/AT&T DSL
>From within the Yahoo Mail page goto Options --> Mail Options --> Accounts
--> Add or edit accounts
Give a screen name for the account, click Continue
Give your name and the email address in question, click Continue
On the next page click Skip this Step
Wait for the confirmation email, click on the link. Viola!
Jesse Salens wrote:
> I used to run into this issue frequently when using AT&T at customer sites
> with a company I used to work for. Our installed servers needed to relay
> mail back to us but AT&T blocks port 25 by default. You may want to opt
> out
> of port 25 blocking to send directly instead of through AT&T's mail
> servers.
> http://helpme.att.net/servabuse.php
> Under abuse type, select **Opt out Port 25. Wait 30 minutes and cycle your
> modem.
> -Jesse
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 2:19 AM, Michael ORourke
> <mrorourke at earthlink.net>wrote:
>> Lug nuts,
>> Not sure if any of you have run into this recently... but I was setting
>> up
>> a
>> postfix email server which is on an AT&T DSL (with a dynamic IP) and I
>> configured it with SMTP AUTH, so that it could use AT&T's smtp server as
>> a
>> smart host (relay host). But I keep getting the following error...
>> ###snipped from /var/log/mail.info
>> Oct 14 18:37:54 ark postfix/smtp[14772]: EFD0A106309:
>> to=<mrorourke at XXXXXXXX.net>, relay=[]:25,
>> delay=246648, delays=246647/0.13/0.71/0.18, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced
>> (host
>>[] said: 553 From: address not verified; see
>> http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/manage/sendfrom-07.html
>> (in
>> reply to MAIL FROM command))
>> ###End
>> The From address would be something like root at server.mydomain.net or
>> mike at server.mydomain.net.
>> Now if I change the masquerading settings so that the From address gets
>> rewritten to a valid address on the AT&T network, such as
>> myusername at sbcglobal.net , then it works. But I don't want everything
>> to
>> be
>> rewritten in that manner. Eventually I would like to host our own
>> domain's
>> email. But this doesn't seem possible.
>> Maybe the solution is to change DSL providers???
>> -Mike
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Dan DeSloover
dand at zifferent.net
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