[mdlug] global desktop helpline

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 22:12:28 EST 2008

mdlug at wowway.com wrote:
> So, here's my crazy idea - is it so crazy?
> I pay for a home phone I hardly use.    But I'm keeping it.   Linux adoption
> on the server side seems to be a done deal.   On the desktop, not so much.  
> I envision a telephone number - mine can be forwarded - where people can call
> for free help with desktop linux.   tickets would be entered into some kind of
> website, and people from around the world could help with issues, and then the
> person would be emailed to call back, and they would be talked through their
> issue.  In the beginning it would just be desktop linux.   Maybe over time it
> could be expanded to support more things.   
>  I'd be happy to help support servers too, linux based firewalls, linux based
> routers, whatever.   *BSD, all unix, and maybe the MacOS.   Maybe even OpenVMS
> and mainframe.   
> It would have to start off with just linux, because that's all I know.   That
> and hp-ux.  
> Anyone who was unemployed could answer the phone.   Prove yourself, and get
> offered a job maybe.   The website would also be a job board.  Recruiters
> could also call the phone # and see who was available to work and where.  
> People could post their resumes on the job board.  
> Of course, if people wanted to pay for help, once the line was established,
> they could.   If people weren't satisfied, they wouldn't have to pay, or could
> get their money back.  
> It might seem crazy, but I make my living doing desktop support, CAD station
> support, and CAE station support.    It pisses me off that the desktop market
> is so limited.   Where I work, it's a foreign company, and back in the
> homeland, they have nothing but 8 GB CAE linux workstations.  Perfect.   But
> here, the CAE manager snuck in a bunch of windows desktops, "because they run
> lotus notes (6.5) and M$ office."   and "because they're so much easier to
> use."   And my boss agrees with that.   I could be out of job just because of
> the things going on around here.   I mean, the slowdown.   
> I can turn the ringer on my phone off and there is still a light that flashes.
>   I could always change the number or drop my landline if it gets out of
> control.  
> Or maybe it would just be for very general questions.  Like from people who
> are just hearing about linux and want to learn more, or journalists, etc.   
> So tell me why I'm crazy.   or not.   Because we need to fight back somehow.

Has potential, but needs refinement.

Like -- how do we prevent companies from laying off their IT
staff, thereby creating more unemployed admins to man the phones
of their now FREE I.T. support.

Some controls need to be in place.

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