[mdlug] Export Mounted ISOs

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Wed May 28 12:21:20 EDT 2008

> From: Ein Bielaczyc
> I'm trying to export via NFS a mounted ISO.

 This might help:



 Ray Ingles                                               (313) 227-2317
 Executives get to pick ONE:
 A) I'm a total idiot. I had no idea what my company was doing - I'm not
    liable for the company's misdeeds.
 B) I knew exactly what was going on. That's what I'm paid for. I'm
    personally responsible for the acts of my company.
 If A, they forfeit all their money and assets as reparation for fraud.
 If B, they face criminal penalties.

 Now, ask yourself, why AREN'T executives held to this standard?
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