[mdlug] Export homedirs via NFS and Samba?

Bhaskar Navaneetham Bhaskar at anitej.com
Tue Mar 18 18:28:30 EDT 2008

In my experience with redhat 4.0 Enterprise, the winbind is mandatory to
keep the hybrid network such as you have. but the unfortunate part to me
even though  i have premium support, redhat is not useful ( or the engineer
may be ). So my suggestion try with winbind or if its absolutely critical,
call the redhat team to help for your by blocking their minimal support.

Best of luck.


On 18/03/2008, Wojtak, Greg <GregWojtak at quickenloans.com> wrote:
> Is this a common setup?  I have an NFS/Samba server set up.  I am
> currently exporting users' home directories.  I want the users to be
> able to mount their home directories on UNIX or Windows, but here is the
> issue I am having.  The server is joined to the domain MI.  I can export
> /home/gwojtak via NFS just fine.  I can export [homes] in Samba just
> fine.  The problem comes up with permissions - UNIX, of course just sets
> ownership to gwojtak on newly created files.  If I try to access my home
> directory via Samba, it is getting the expected winbind mangling,
> 'MI+gwojtak' and permission is denied to even pull up the UNC.  Changing
> the ownership on the Samba server on /home/gwojtak to MI+gwojtak makes
> it work properly on Windows, but then breaks NFS ownerships.
> Is this not a good setup?  What am I doing wrong, or should I not even
> be doing this?  It seems to me that this would be a common
> implementation?  This is a Red HATE Enterprise Linux 5.1 server.
> Thanks!
> --
> Greg Wojtak
> http://www.yesthatsright.net/
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