[mdlug] wiki engine

Michael newmaniese at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 21:39:25 EST 2008

MediaWiki is as simple as pie to set up and is really familiar in it's
default set up (it looks like wikipedia). I set it up an entire intranet
Monday morning using mediaWiki. I used tikiwiki about a year and a half ago
and found it less intuitive from the user end of it. I couldn't help you
with the install of TikiWiki because it was done with a served host
automagical installer, but if you want a step-by-step install tutorial for
MediaWiki (especially with Ubuntu) I can type one up for you. I had a little
difficulty actually finding step-by-step instructions on the Web, but that
was almost preferable because I now understand a lot more of it and I am not
a php guy either.

Let me know if you want the step-by-step,

Michael Newman

On Jan 31, 2008 4:21 PM, Wojtak, Greg <GregWojtak at quickenloans.com> wrote:

> We use mediawiki internally for all of our teams.  It seems to work well,
> we
> authenticate against AD and it seems to have taken off even more since
> we've
> set up a WYSIWYG editor on all of them, so no more wiki markup.
> Greg
> On 1/31/08 3:41 PM, "-" <otakurider at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Any one running mediawiki or tikiwiki looking to install one-  any real
> > world pro vers cons would be helpful.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Pat
> > VP Mdlug
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