[mdlug] Interesting information about Windows "7"

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Fri Jan 25 20:34:58 EST 2008

Michael Rudas wrote:
> In March of 1983 there was a technology fair in Ann Arbor.  One of the
> participants was the then-new Irwin Magnetics, founded by Sam Irwin
> shortly after he had sold his earlier tech company, Sicor, to Northern
> Telecom (a story in itself, which eventually involved the Atari ST).

I remember lusting over the out of my price range Lt. Colonel SCSI
control for the C-64 and the 20 meg hard drive that came with it.  That
would have held EVERYTHING!

Several years later with my new Amiga 1200 and it's 85 meg hard drive on
the desk I came across one for 50 bucks.  Man it was hard to leave it there.

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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